The Last Supper

After carefully reading over the P90X Nutrition Guide and grocery shopping for my portion plan, reality is sinking in

When I unloaded my grocery cart, something seemed wrong:

No pizza rolls…. No soda… No pot pies….

I went to pay with my credit card and realized something. It wasn’t how much I was going to miss junk food… It was how much junk I have been putting into my body through ignorance of my diet. Ok, I am not going to lie… I will miss a coke now and then, but I will survive. It feels nice to be in control of my diet for a change.

I decided that the only affordable method for me to stick to the p90x nutrition plan, is the portion option. After calculating my caloric needs using the guide, I am in the level III category. That means that I need to eat over 3000 calories in small scheduled portions throughout the day. Phase One of the diet plan is the fat shredder. I will be eating 9 portions of protein each day

My first grocery list included:

10 oz of almonds
10 medium-sized apples
10 cups of baby carrots
10 bananas 
BBQ sauce
Low-fat salad dressings
10 oz of cheese 
60 oz of skinless, boneless chicken breasts
10 cups of cooked vegetables
10 cups of cottage cheese
30 oz of low-fat ham
30 oz of low-fat turkey
olive oil
80 oz of soy milk
30 oz of string cheese
80 oz of low sodium v8
20 slices of whole wheat bread
80 oz of low fat yogurt 

This list is for 10 days of food. After doing the math, it looks like I will be spending about $100.00 per week on the p90x nutrition plan. That is not too bad… I will probably save a little money since I will no longer be eating out, or buying lunches at work. 

One thing that I learned through this experience, is that eating is going to be an investment. I am no longer eating because I love how food tastes. I am going to have to eat to fuel my body. Taking this perspective is going to make the p90x nutrition plan possible. 

Tomorrow I take my fitness test and initial photos. P90X is just two days away. I am excited, nervous, and going to enjoy my last supper…..  BBQ Ribs, Brisket, and Sausage with a tall glass of  Coca-Cola.

To learn more about the P90X nutrition plan, make sure to click the link above.

4 responses to “The Last Supper

  1. Hi! Compliments on your site. I, myself am embarking on the journey next week. Question is, do you think, in your view, one could lose weight whilst doing ‘The 4 Hour Body’? Also, D3 of ‘Preparing for the P90x’ section stated you purchased Supplements, may I ask if you bought the bars, whey protein and the Shakeology or were you referring to alternatives? I’m contemplating more natural based drink for my nutrients and supplements. It may not be entirely comparable but at least it’s totally natural. The supplements are too steep for me. Your advice is greatly appreciated. Many thanks

  2. Sorry, I mean, could one lose weight doing P90x with the 4 hour body sort of diet?

  3. OMG, I just realised I didn’t click supplements. sorry. please disregard my questions on supplements.

    • Hi Munch,

      Good luck on your journey. Here is a little advice from experience.

      1. Save your money and skip supplements. The real key is diet and consistency. Protein bars and whey protein is all you need.

      2. If you are overweight, try the slow carb diet before p90x or insanity. If you have discipline on the diet, this alone will help you shred 20 lbs a month with 0 time spent on exercise. When doing p90x, it took me 90 days to drop 20 lbs. Go the path of least resistance. It is faster and easier.

      3. Once your down to 12 % body fat from the slow card diet, start p90x to build muscle. After 90 days, a 60 day round of insanity will cut your body fat and get you to 6 pack.

      I have been off my routines for some time now and I’m ready to get back into shape. I will be following the steps I just gave you. I’m hoping to start a new website and redirect traffic from this site. Subscribe to posts for the updated blog.

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